How to Prepare for a Juice Cleanse
Whether you’re a beginner or an avid juicer, ready to raise your vibration or just looking to lose a few pounds, Juicy Alchemy’s juice cleanse will get you right. I opted for a hybrid structure that is do-able for everyone. This means we will not only be consuming lots of green juice – but also light solid foods like soups, salads, fish and smoothies, which is especially helpful for those of us with active lifestyles and daily workout regimens to maintain.
As with any meaningful lifestyle change, preparation is key. I want to make sure you have everything you need to prepare your mind and body for what is to come.
Take your time. This isn’t a race or a competition. Though the doors will open on 1/11, the course is designed for you to start when you’re ready and to go at your own pace. I will be alongside you the entire way, ready to assist and answer any questions you have.
Let’s take the first few steps to cleaner minds and bodies…
1. Eliminate Heavy and Processed Foods
To help your body adjust to lighter, nutrient-dense juices, start gradually cutting back on fried foods, fast foods, sugary snacks, sodas, red meat and other heavy foods. Instead, add more plant-based meals, fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain and nuts. I would suggest you do this at least 3-5 days before your first juice.
2. Increase Your Water Intake
A hydrated body supports its natural detoxification processes and reduces the likelihood of dehydration during the cleanse. Drink at least 32 ounces of water – and work your way up to 64 ounces daily. Include herbal teas like dandelion root, peppermint and ginger to improve your digestion.
3. Eat Smaller Portions
The more you eat in one sitting, the harder your digestive system has to work to break down the food. Eating smaller portions will reduce the load on your digestive system and prepare your body for the upcoming juice cleanse. Focus on lighter foods – soups, salads and smoothies – avoid overeating and be sure to chew your food thoroughly.
4. Cut Back on Caffeine and Alcohol
Eliminating caffeine and alcohol now will reduce headaches, fatigue and other withdrawal symptoms that can arise during the juice cleanse. Don’t focus on stopping abruptly; instead, gradually reduce consumption. Replace coffee with herbal teas or decaffeinated alternatives.
5. Introduce your Body to Detox-Friendly Foods
Leafy greens, vegetables, citrus fruits, herbs, spices and hydrating foods will prime your body for the juice cleanse. Don’t wait until you start juicing to consume the good stuff; now is perfectly fine.
6. Gather Your Supplies
For best results, you will need a juicer for this cleanse. However, if you have a blender and mesh strainer or sieve to separate the pulp, you’re good to go.
You will also need plenty of filtered water, herbal teas, fresh fruits and vegetables like…
- Fruits: Apples, berries, oranges, pineapples, papaya
- Vegetables: Spinach, chard, collards, kale, carrots, beets
- Healthy Fats: Avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil
- Whole Grains: Oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice
- Hydrating Foods: Watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumbers, zucchini
7. Set Intentions
What are your goals for the cleanse – more energy, better digestion, weight loss, higher vibrations, spiritual clarity or all of the above? Everything is possible! Decide what you want to achieve, set crystal clear intentions, and meditate on them – seeing yourself and feeling as though you’ve already achieved those goals.
8. Prioritize Rest, Meditation and Mindfulness
Our body is naturally equipped to detox itself, but we often get in its way when we deprive it of key nutrients, regular exercise, and adequate rest. That ends today, okay? Tweak your daily routine to make time for meditation, mindful moments, stretching, breathwork, and adequate sleep.
These steps coupled with a thorough juice cleanse will keep you right.
Got questions?! Let me know in the comments. I’m here to answer them.